The Green Gun

Gun safety, politics, & perspective from a Libertarian leaning environmentalist. The purpose of this blog is to shed more light on the subject of safe & legal gun use in the USA with the aim of dispelling much of the fear that surrounds guns & gun ownership by those who are not familiar with firearms.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

The Gun License Challenge!

"I'm winning!"


At 5:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is an interesting and provocative video. The narrator means well, but his rhetoric is misleading. No one is claiming that Federal gun licenses would outright stop gun-related crime. The crux of the argument is that licenses would make it easier to find and prosecute the suspect, which would, theoretically, act as a deterrent.

Still, federal gun licenses are ill advised and most likely unconstitutional. I certainly don't want the federal government to know how many or what kind of firearms its citizens own. That knowledge would facilitate a hypothetical, but increasingly possible, large-scale firearms confiscation, leaving the population without the means to overthrow, or at least defend themselves against, a tyrannical government.

Instead of federal gun licenses, I suggest that any licensing duties fall to state/local-sponsored militias (call them "guards" if the term "militia" is too politically charged). That way we avoid a federal tyranny while we empower the state and local governments. Only state and local governments would have access to the information provided in the licenses (depending on state law). Federal organizations would NOT have access to this information, except at the will of the state and local governments.


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