The Green Gun

Gun safety, politics, & perspective from a Libertarian leaning environmentalist. The purpose of this blog is to shed more light on the subject of safe & legal gun use in the USA with the aim of dispelling much of the fear that surrounds guns & gun ownership by those who are not familiar with firearms.

Sunday, June 08, 2008


I've been too busy to update this blog like I should have been, and I plan on commenting more on politics later.

As of right now though, I'm very happy that Obama defeated Hillary Clinton in the primaries. Though I am a gun owner, and I take conceal carry very seriously, I generally lean very Democratic. I consider myself to be a "Blue Dog Democrat" in the same vein as senators Jim Webb & John Tester.

Right now, Obama's stances on conceal carry and other gun issues honestly worry me. Who Obama picks to be his running mate will honestly determine whether or not I vote for him. If Obama picks somebody like Bill Richardson or Jim Webb, then I know that he's willing to take a more moderate stance on gun issues, and I will vote for him.

keltec P3AT review

So it's summertime, and it's too hot to carry my Taurus PT-145, so I wanted something smaller.

So I bought a Kel-Tec P3AT:

keltec p3at

I wanted a small gun for casual pocket carry around the neighborhood, and this was perfect.

I have already bought a wallet holster for it:

P3AT wallet holster

And a DeSantis Nemesis holster is on the way. I've used the Nemesis pocket holster for previous guns and have really liked it. Back when I owned and carried a .38 special revolver, my DeSantis Nemesis was my preferred method of carrying it.

I was reluctant to settle with a gun in .380, and I considered getting the Keltec PF9 which is in 9mm, but I wanted something that I could easily and casually carry in my pocket without anybody knowing. Plus, with proper Mozambique Drills, 7 rounds of .380 should be enough for anything I'd encounter around my neighborhood. If I know I'm going somewhere more dangerous, I can always bring the .45 instead.

I've only put about 60 rounds through it thus far, but I'm impressed. The trigger is much lighter than my old revolver was. The recoil was much less than I expected. Again, it felt no where near as bad as a .38 +P round Accuracy was reasonable given a 10 foot engagement distance for self defense. I was able to stay on target and go through the magazine very quickly while maintaining control. I plan on stocking up on .380 and giving the pistol a proper 300+ round break in once I have some more spare cash, but until then I'll just have to put one 50 round box in it at a time on the weekends.

Overall I'm glad I bought the gun. It is perfect for pocket carry during the summer.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Montana & Obama

An interesting wrinkle in the gun-rights controversy: Various Montana politicians have signed a resolution arguing that anything other than an individual-right interpretation of the Second Amendment (at issue in the forthcoming Supreme Court case Heller v. D.C.) would violate the compact between Montana and the U.S.

This is amazing, and it does me proud. Montana has provided us with John Tester, an awesome Blue Dog Democrat and much else that is good.

Here is the full text of the resolution.

While I applaud the ballsy nature of this resolution, and the validity of it, I must take a moment to think: so what if the Supreme Court screws us over and decides that it's not an individual right? The implications could be staggeringly violent in this country.

The words "the beauty of Second Amendment is that it will only be needed when they try to take it away" come to mind.

On the other hand, should the court come down on the side of an individual right, it will be interesting to see how Democrats deal with this. Especially this year, given how vulnerable Obama (and Clinton) is on the issue.

I'll be honest. I like Obama. As a self described Blue Dog Democrat, I'm for many of the same social, environmental, and political issues as Obama. But he really turns me off when it comes to gun control, and in the general election, that's going to hurt him.

And Obama is very weak on this issue.

How weak? Very weak.


So in my previous post, I talked about how some in the media are taking notice that more women are getting into gun ownership, and accordingly, demanding pink guns.

Well, CNN took notice of this, and they want you to be afraid. BE VERY AFRAID OF PINK GUNS!

Hilarious. This is the worst kind of scare tactic ratings grabbing "journalism" that unfortunately, has become all too common these days in the media.

It's not even worth calling it journalism. It's one side of the argument, using scare tactics and emotional hyperbole to scare the common public about a non-existent problem.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

women and guns

"You want it pink, I'll make it pink," he said. "The sky is the limit. It's like nail polish."

So the media takes notice that more women are getting into arming themselves. Politically, I can only see this as a good thing. The less the freedom to protect yourself is seen as the domain of paranoid white males, the better.

I heard Obama recently say that he doesn't want to take anybody's guns away, but that he wants to get the guns out of the inner cities. While I generally like the man for other reasons, this is one where 1) I strongly dissagree with him, and 2) I think he's a liar. What does it mean to want to "get the guns out of the inner cities"? Isn't that just code for, "blacks can't have guns but whites can"? And isn't that extremely racist?

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Students for Concealed Carry on Campus

Students for Concealed Carry on Campus

Students for Concealed Carry on campus is a national, non-partisan, grassroots organization comprised of over 9,500 college students, college faculty members, parents of college students, and concerned citizens (about 90% college students and 10% faculty, parents, and concerned citizens) who support the right of concealed handgun license holders to carry concealed handguns on college campuses.

In the wake of recent school shootings, such as the massacre at Virginia Tech, SCCC contends it is now abundantly clear that “gun free zones” serve to disarm only those law-abiding citizens who might be able to mitigate such tragedies.

Saturday, December 01, 2007

a few quotes

I haven't updated this in awhile, but I should. Needless to say I'm terribly excited about the Supreme Court taking up the issue of whether the 2nd Amendment grants individuals the right to bear arms. The decision they come to will have profound repercussions for both the 2008 election and for life in America in general.

And on that note, here are a few quotes.

"Among the natural rights of the colonists are these: First a right to life, secondly to liberty, and thirdly to property; together with the right to defend them in the best manner they can."
Samuel Adams

"The Constitution shall never be construed... to prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms."
Samuel Adams

"Who is the Militia? The Militia is all of the people"
George Mason

and a few dozen others...

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

even gun control cannot stop spree killings

Wanna take a guess as to where the worst mass shooting spree killing in world history took place? America? Wrong. Try South Korea:

Woo had an argument with his live-in girlfriend on the afternoon of April 26, 1982.[2] Enraged, he left the house and went to the police armory, where he began consuming large amounts of whiskey. After becoming drunk, he collected an arsenal[2] including a rifle and some grenades. He left the armory around dinner time armed and drunk. Walking from house to house, he abused his position as a police officer to make people feel safe and gain entry into their homes. Then he shot the victims, or killed the entire family with a grenade. He continued this pattern for a full eight hours.[2]

Once Woo had shot a certain number of people in a village, he would run to another nearby village to continue the massacre. In the early hours of April 27, after rampaging through five villages in Uiryeong county, Woo took his final two grenades and strapped them to his body. He took three people hostage and set the grenades' fuses, killing both himself and his final victims.

For a complete list of the world's worst spree killings, just take a gander at this rather morbid website:

2nd Place behind Woo was Andrew Kehoe, who kiled 44 people with a rifle, dynamite, pyrotol, and a blunt instrument in 1927.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Gun Free zones?

It's basically an established fact that gun free zones have done nothing to stop school shootings.

So, how should we solve the problem? Israel has a suggestion:

Since the 1970s, on school campuses in Israel, policy requires teachers and parent aides to arm themselves with semi-automatic weapons. The result? School shootings have plummeted to zero.