The Green Gun

Gun safety, politics, & perspective from a Libertarian leaning environmentalist. The purpose of this blog is to shed more light on the subject of safe & legal gun use in the USA with the aim of dispelling much of the fear that surrounds guns & gun ownership by those who are not familiar with firearms.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Montana & Obama

An interesting wrinkle in the gun-rights controversy: Various Montana politicians have signed a resolution arguing that anything other than an individual-right interpretation of the Second Amendment (at issue in the forthcoming Supreme Court case Heller v. D.C.) would violate the compact between Montana and the U.S.

This is amazing, and it does me proud. Montana has provided us with John Tester, an awesome Blue Dog Democrat and much else that is good.

Here is the full text of the resolution.

While I applaud the ballsy nature of this resolution, and the validity of it, I must take a moment to think: so what if the Supreme Court screws us over and decides that it's not an individual right? The implications could be staggeringly violent in this country.

The words "the beauty of Second Amendment is that it will only be needed when they try to take it away" come to mind.

On the other hand, should the court come down on the side of an individual right, it will be interesting to see how Democrats deal with this. Especially this year, given how vulnerable Obama (and Clinton) is on the issue.

I'll be honest. I like Obama. As a self described Blue Dog Democrat, I'm for many of the same social, environmental, and political issues as Obama. But he really turns me off when it comes to gun control, and in the general election, that's going to hurt him.

And Obama is very weak on this issue.

How weak? Very weak.


At 6:55 PM, Blogger RightDemocrat said...

Jon Tester is great on guns and most other issues and so is your Senator Jim Webb. In my opinion, Webb would make an excellent running mate for Obama.

Democrats need to drop all talk about gun control and embrace the Second Amendment. The issue is one of the major stumbling blocks for our party in the red states.


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