I've been too busy to update this blog like I should have been, and I plan on commenting more on politics later.
As of right now though, I'm very happy that Obama defeated Hillary Clinton in the primaries. Though I am a gun owner, and I take conceal carry very seriously, I generally lean very Democratic. I consider myself to be a "Blue Dog Democrat" in the same vein as senators Jim Webb & John Tester.
Right now, Obama's stances on conceal carry and other gun issues honestly worry me. Who Obama picks to be his running mate will honestly determine whether or not I vote for him. If Obama picks somebody like Bill Richardson or Jim Webb, then I know that he's willing to take a more moderate stance on gun issues, and I will vote for him.
Green Gun, you sound like a smart guy, and I totally concur on the importance of the 2nd Amendment and our right to concealed carry. Now that Obama is clear on his stance on guns, which is about the most anti-gun stance of any politician I have ever seen in my life, I hope you will not be voting for him; I surely will not; I value my 2nd Amendment rights too much to throw my vote to someone like him. I love the fact that you have a link to the JPFO; I have spoken with the owner of that site, and he is one cool individual. =>
take care,
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