The Green Gun

Gun safety, politics, & perspective from a Libertarian leaning environmentalist. The purpose of this blog is to shed more light on the subject of safe & legal gun use in the USA with the aim of dispelling much of the fear that surrounds guns & gun ownership by those who are not familiar with firearms.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Massad Ayoob

Some of you might think it strange to hear that one of the best handgun instructors in the USA goes by the name of Massad Ayoob. He's an Arab American who has spent his entire life as a cop, but he is most widely known for winning a variety of handgun shooting events early on in his career. Since then he has worked as a firearms instructor and has written lots of books and articles about proper shooting techniques.

Anyways, I found a cluster of articles written by him, and many of them are excellent reading.


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