Media Bias
So shooting rampages are a statistical annomally when you consider the odds. You have a far greater chance of being killed by a shark attack, by lightning, or by a moose, than you do from being killed by a lone mad gunman. Furthermore, most of the shooting rampages tend to happen in places where it is already illegal for people to carry firearms on them, thus disarming only the victims, as the perpetraitors don't bother to care about the laws.
Which brings us to this: every time a lone gunman pops up and shoots some disarmed victims, the media goes into a feeding frenzy to stir up the gun control crowd. Here is a livid example:
Even with a toll of nine dead in three violent school shootings in one week, the United States is unwilling to consider restrictions on guns openly bought and sold across the country.Thankfully those still in control of the government have some logic left in them about this issue. When asked about the recent shootings at an Amish schoolhouse, the Governor of Pennsylvania said:
gun controls would not have stopped Amish school shooter Charles Roberts from acquiring the 9mm pistol, shotgun, rifle, stun gun, and 600 rounds of ammunition found on his body, because he had no police record or diagnosis of psychological illness.Exactly. We have plenty of gun control legislation that already prevents known felons from purchasing guns legally. How do felons get guns then? Illegally, much the same way they buy marijuana, cocaine, or any other illegal drug. Further gun control only has one purpose: to disarm people who obey the law.
In short, I shall bring up this quote again, because it rings the loudest:
"The beauty of the second amendment is that it will not be needed until they try to take it."
--Thomas Jefferson
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