The Green Gun

Gun safety, politics, & perspective from a Libertarian leaning environmentalist. The purpose of this blog is to shed more light on the subject of safe & legal gun use in the USA with the aim of dispelling much of the fear that surrounds guns & gun ownership by those who are not familiar with firearms.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

conceal carry on campus

So, I'm a member of the Virginia Citizens Defense League (which is so much better than the NRA for defending gun rights in Virginia), and as part of that I get their weekly newsletters via email.

Well, this was in today's email:

VCDL member Dr. Jerry Coffey told me that he was at the Richmond gun
show last Saturday and VCDL member Alfred Mercer let him sit and rest
for a few minutes at the VCDL table. A young man in a Virginia Tech
t-shirt (I am withholding his name) came up with a concealed carry
question. After a few questions of our own we learned that he was a
current student at VT and held a concealed carry permit.

At the time of the Cho massacre, this young man was in an adjacent
classroom building where bloody escapees from the carnage sought

He described the gaggle of PhDs at the front of the room who
apparently had no idea how to protect themselves or their students
from the wholesale murder going on next door. His first thought was
that (in compliance with VT policy) his pistol was far away in his
apartment where it could NOT do anybody any good.

So, if this student had been allowed to carry his firearm on campus as he is allowed to carry it just about everywhere else in the state, he could have stopped the massacre. Gun Free Zones are victim disarmament zones. They are criminal empowerment zones.


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