The Green Gun

Gun safety, politics, & perspective from a Libertarian leaning environmentalist. The purpose of this blog is to shed more light on the subject of safe & legal gun use in the USA with the aim of dispelling much of the fear that surrounds guns & gun ownership by those who are not familiar with firearms.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Armed Citizen experience

I get the American Rifleman, which is the NRA's magazine. In it they reprint news stories about people using their guns in self defense. I'm going to start making it a regular part of this blog to reprint these stories.

A couple was at home with their 15-month old son when two armed men, one of them a convicted felon with a history of break-ins, kicked in the front door. According to police, one of the residents shot both intruders with his handgun, causing the felon to flee and the other burglar to fall dead inside the house. "I think probably if he had not had a gun, he would have been [killed], as well as the female in the house, and possibly the baby," said Sgt. Jack Cates of the Durham, NC, police department. The uninjured residents fled next door with their son and called police. Minutes later, a man showed up at the hospital suffering from a gunshot wound. He was charged with first-degree burglary, armed robbery and felony possession of cocaine. (The News & Observer, Raleigh, NC, 08-12-2006).


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