The Green Gun

Gun safety, politics, & perspective from a Libertarian leaning environmentalist. The purpose of this blog is to shed more light on the subject of safe & legal gun use in the USA with the aim of dispelling much of the fear that surrounds guns & gun ownership by those who are not familiar with firearms.

Sunday, June 08, 2008


I've been too busy to update this blog like I should have been, and I plan on commenting more on politics later.

As of right now though, I'm very happy that Obama defeated Hillary Clinton in the primaries. Though I am a gun owner, and I take conceal carry very seriously, I generally lean very Democratic. I consider myself to be a "Blue Dog Democrat" in the same vein as senators Jim Webb & John Tester.

Right now, Obama's stances on conceal carry and other gun issues honestly worry me. Who Obama picks to be his running mate will honestly determine whether or not I vote for him. If Obama picks somebody like Bill Richardson or Jim Webb, then I know that he's willing to take a more moderate stance on gun issues, and I will vote for him.

keltec P3AT review

So it's summertime, and it's too hot to carry my Taurus PT-145, so I wanted something smaller.

So I bought a Kel-Tec P3AT:

keltec p3at

I wanted a small gun for casual pocket carry around the neighborhood, and this was perfect.

I have already bought a wallet holster for it:

P3AT wallet holster

And a DeSantis Nemesis holster is on the way. I've used the Nemesis pocket holster for previous guns and have really liked it. Back when I owned and carried a .38 special revolver, my DeSantis Nemesis was my preferred method of carrying it.

I was reluctant to settle with a gun in .380, and I considered getting the Keltec PF9 which is in 9mm, but I wanted something that I could easily and casually carry in my pocket without anybody knowing. Plus, with proper Mozambique Drills, 7 rounds of .380 should be enough for anything I'd encounter around my neighborhood. If I know I'm going somewhere more dangerous, I can always bring the .45 instead.

I've only put about 60 rounds through it thus far, but I'm impressed. The trigger is much lighter than my old revolver was. The recoil was much less than I expected. Again, it felt no where near as bad as a .38 +P round Accuracy was reasonable given a 10 foot engagement distance for self defense. I was able to stay on target and go through the magazine very quickly while maintaining control. I plan on stocking up on .380 and giving the pistol a proper 300+ round break in once I have some more spare cash, but until then I'll just have to put one 50 round box in it at a time on the weekends.

Overall I'm glad I bought the gun. It is perfect for pocket carry during the summer.